A big thank you to all students in Room 2 who have brought their togs each day this week. Keep it up team!
Quotes from stories we have written about swimming.
* The pool has a concrete floor that is hard and you can see it. - James
* Mrs Simpson taught us. - Angus
* Do not cannonball into the shallow end otherwise you might hit your head. - Maia
* When you do freestyle, kick your legs like a seal flaps its tail. - Sophia
* Floating on our back and tummy. - Brooke
* To keep yourself safe in the pool you need to float. - Emily
* Hook your feet into the bars. - Max
* I am floating on my back. - Shelby
* We hopped into two groups and my group went with Mrs Simpson. - Isabella
* How to be safe is float on your back. - Jesse
* Mrs Howie taught me how to float with my feet behind the bar. - Lucy