Friday, February 5, 2016


A big thank you to all students in Room 2 who have brought their togs each day this week. Keep it up team!

Quotes from stories we have written about swimming.

* The pool has a concrete floor that is hard and you can see it. - James 
* Mrs Simpson taught us. - Angus
* Do not cannonball into the shallow end otherwise you might hit your head. - Maia
* When you do freestyle, kick your legs like a seal flaps its tail. - Sophia
* Floating on our back and tummy. - Brooke
* To keep yourself safe in the pool you need to float. - Emily
* Hook your feet into the bars. - Max
* I am floating on my back. - Shelby
* We hopped into two groups and my group went with Mrs Simpson. - Isabella
* How to be safe is float on your back. - Jesse
* Mrs Howie taught me how to float with my feet behind the bar. - Lucy


  1. It looks like you had lots of fun.

  2. Wow! looks like you are all having heaps of fun in the pool. Your quotes are very clever.

  3. Wow Room 2! Looks like you have great fun in the pool!
    Your quotes are very clever!

  4. Looks like you're having heaps of fun in the pool Room 2! I heard that you are working very hard to become good swimmers too. Keep up the great work.

  5. That looks like a lot of fun room 2 what game are you playing

  6. It looks like you are having a great time at the pool, Room 2.

  7. What such a good time you all had on Friday fun day.

  8. Wow Room 2! It looks like you guys had lot's of fun. It was awesome that Mrs Simpson and Mrs Howie taught you so much.

  9. Wow Room 2 great remembering of your togs, it is a great way to cool off isn’t it. I hope you guys have enjoyed swimming and good luck for your swimming sports tomorrow. You have learnt heaps from Mrs Howie haven’t you, you are getting really good at your swimming Room 2. Nice quotes Room 2.

  10. It looks like you you are having lots of fun in the pool Room 2 but I still hope you are swimming.

  11. Wow it looks like room2 is awesome in the water and had lots of fun.

  12. Did you have lots of fun? I hope so.
